Many games like Grim Fandango, Rent-A-Hero and other new games today are copyprotected the same way: 1.) Using illegal TOC: one data-track follwed by one (or more) audio-track and again a data-track 2.) The sum of file sizes is much greater than 700 MB, for example Grim Fandango 5 GByte. Most of this files canīt be copied. So how to copy it ? What You need: 1.) Again the incredible CDRWin (>= V3.5c) 2.) a 80min/700MB-CD 3.) a cdrom/burner with good error-correction In the following CDRWin 3.5c is meant: 1.) Start CDRWin ---> Copying CD 2.) You now see the TOC (Track 1 (Yellow,Mode1), Track 2 (Red,Audio) and Track 3 (mostly Yellow, MODE1) Click on Track 1 with the right mouse button: You will now get some informations about this track. Important here: Start- and End-Sector-Number ! 3.) Now select COPY SECTORS Insert the start- and end-sector. Select format: DATA MODE1 RAW (2352) 4.) On the second page choose at errorhandling: REPAIR 5.) Start creating image (FINISH) 6.) In most cases the creation of the image stops at about 99 % with an error message (cannot read track xxxxxx to yyyyyy, hardware-error.....). 7.) Now take the xxxxxx-number minor 1 and insert as new end-sector (for example Rent-A-Hero: xxxxxxx=341847 --------> new end-sector=341846) 8.) Create the image again Now we have the image, but how to burn it ? There are two ways: 1.) Create a CUE-file and burn it with CDRWin using the CUE-File (A CUE-file is only automatically created when COPY DISK was selected !) 2.) When you donīt know how to create a CUE file: I use the burning program NERO (>=V3.0) to burn it. In this programm select CD Image.... The program says now that it is not a nero-image and you have to set some parameters. Here are the parameters: DATA MODE1, RAWDATA (Check the box, the number 2352 will be grayed out)). The other parameters should be set to zero and boxes should be unchecked. 3.) Now you can start burning the image. This new created cd you can copy in the "normal" way. Good luck ! masterofuniverse